…the parched land shall become a pool, and the thirsty lands springs of water…(Isaiah 35:7)

Till the Day Christ Found Me

In 1947, the song writing team of Lerner and Loewe created a musical called “Brigadoon.” It’s a fantasy that takes place in the highlands of Scotland in a village that only appears once every 100 years. One of the songs that I’ve always loved and always brings tears to my eyes is called “There But […]

Circles and Lines

In many cases a circle is a good shape. The earth that Our Lord created is a circle.There’s a hymn that says “Improvement and Progression have one eternal round. ” (Hymns 1985 #284) And if you think about it, a circle has no beginning nor ending. Usually.  4 people like this post. Like Unlike

Time Like an Ever-rolling Stream

Ever have one of those awkward moments when some of your work jargon slips out, and the person you’re talking to you just gives you a blank look? If you’re anything like me it happens once in a while. So with this blog post I thought I would share a little about what I do […]

The Next Voice You Hear

Rex Goode ponders about a talk by President Boyd K. Packer at the October 2010 Semiannual Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The talk, “Cleansing the Inner Vessel”, stirred a lot of controversy in its remarks about same-sex attraction. Rex Goode’s review speaks of civility and tolerance for all sides of the question of dealing with same-sex attraction and spirituality.

Beneath the Staves

In many hymnals, there are usually up to four verses printed between the staves. Before the modern hymnals that we’ve grown accustomed to, the music for the hymn tune was printed above and all the text was written beneath the staves and there was no text between the staves. It is always my fond yet […]

Something the Lord Made

I’m unavoidably alone tonight on Monday. It being Family Home Evening, I figure that if I’m going to write, it should be something about family. That’s easy today given the three days I’ve just experienced. 1 person likes this post. Like Unlike


In the last few days, I have experienced more of spiritual pain than I ever hope to see again. The problems were largely of my own making, brought on by dwelling on my lifelong struggle to separate temptation from sin. Theoretically and conceptually, I know that it is no sin to be tempted. Yet, throughout […]