Of oil, islands, and pilotsBy
July 1st, 2010
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June 21st, 2010
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I’m thinking quite a bit about graduations this week. My niece just graduated from High School on Wednesday. Hard to believe the baby I held in my arms before I left for my mission is going to be a freshman in college studying nursing. I guess it’s pretty obvious I’m proud of my niece. Her graduation has brought up a lot of thoughts and feelings for me this last week. Not only about high school and college graduation but other life events as well.
Copyright 2025, Inner Vessel Productions.
O Sweet the Joy this Sentence Gives…By
June 17th, 2010
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New and Old Things at SpringsOfWaterBy
June 11th, 2010
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In the ten years this site has been up, it’s gone through a lot of changes. The invention of blogs and the availability of free blog software has really put the site on the map. Before, getting to stuff was difficult. (more…)
Copyright 2025, Inner Vessel Productions.
Look to God and LiveBy
June 11th, 2010
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Sometimes I am a slow learner. Sometimes? Maybe actually quite a lot of the time. There are times when I’m so sure of what the answer will be and know that it’s going to be really complicated to get to the correct end result. This week I had such an experience. And you know what? I was wrong!
Copyright 2025, Inner Vessel Productions.
The Quiet of ChristByJune 11th, 2010
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Some days are really terrific and really exhausting. Some days are just really awful and exhausting and leave you feeling really down and even depressed. Then there are days that offer both kinds of exhaustion and it’s hard to know what to make of them. It is at such times when I really long for peace, comfort and quiet. Not just any quiet though, the quiet of Christ. (more…)
Copyright 2025, Inner Vessel Productions.
And hope renewedBy
June 5th, 2010
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I wrote this about an event happened a few months ago. But as I think about it, the ideas of persevering and enduring to the end as well as finding hope are still relevant. We live in a world where we have to work hard and sweat and toil, and sometimes it seems the fruit of our labors are merely pipe dreams that we may never see. But they are real. Sometimes it takes more hard work to get to them. (more…)
Copyright 2025, Inner Vessel Productions.
Reaping What I Have SownBy
June 1st, 2010
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Even if it’s cute and cuddly…By
May 25th, 2010
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….Do not pick it up. This my friends is an object lesson.
My parents and I spent the evening at my sister’s house. In addition to a husband, two children, and two golden retrievers my sister also has a Flemish Giant rabbit as a house pet. Flemish Giants are evidently good house pets because they are able to be trained, they love petting, they learn to come when called, etc. When full grown it will be around 21 pounds and about as big as a small/medium sized dog. Presently, Bartley is about 5 months old and weighs about 10 pounds. And yes he is unbelievably cute and cuddly. There in lies the problem. I am allergic to rabbits. But he was out of his pen, hopping around and just being very cute and I couldn’t resist the urge to pick him up and pet him. He was more than happy to oblige. I was sneezing and my eyes were itching for the rest of the evening and had to borrow a shirt from my brother-in-law. I wonder sometimes, if a rattle snake were cute and cuddly would I pick it up as well?
Sometimes I think Satan is like that. He presents us with temptation, that is to cute and cuddly to pass up. It’s great in the moment, but leaves us sorry in the end. So dear friends, if it’s unbelievably cute and cuddly and you know it’s not something you should do….Please, PLEASE, For your own safety and protection, STEP AWAY FROM THE BUNNY! Stepping off my soapbox now and making a beeline for the antihistamines.
Copyright 2025, Inner Vessel Productions.
Wearing Pants to ChurchBy
May 4th, 2010
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Picture it! Fast and testimony meeting May 2010 in my ward. I direct the music each week, so I’m sitting on the stand. I tell myself I’m not bearing my testimony again. I do it each month it seems. I’m just sitting back. My knee hurts from a fall I took earlier in the week, so I’m content to not be standing at the moment. Then it happens. (more…)
Copyright 2025, Inner Vessel Productions.
April 24th, 2010
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Recent posts and comments by Rex Goode on other blogs
- Fear of Success on 4/23/2010
- Comment on Jonathan Langford’s blog, Choose the Write: Mormonism’s Impact on Me as a Writer on 4/18/2010
- Comment on Jonathan Langford’s blog, on 4/18/2010
Also, some blog posts by others that I like:
- General Conference by Kim Nordyke Mack
- Top Ten Unwritten Sacrament Meeting Music Rules by Xavier (strange site)
Copyright 2025, Inner Vessel Productions.
Sports and MeBy
April 14th, 2010
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I have never really been enthusiastic about sports. If one believes stereotypes, it makes sense in light of the fact that I deal with same-sex attraction. If one believes in certain therapeutic models, becoming interested in sports is supposed to help with that, if “it” is something one thinks needs helping. (more…)
Copyright 2025, Inner Vessel Productions.
Big Can of WormsBy
February 22nd, 2010
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I really hate to bring this up, because experience has shown that I invariably offend people with this topic. I will disclaim right up front that nothing I say here is intended to be a criticism of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints or its leaders, general or local. Some of you will think that is exactly what I intended. (more…)
Copyright 2025, Inner Vessel Productions.
My Daily Universe Email InterviewBy
January 21st, 2010
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I was recently interviewed by BYU’s Daily Universe article about Jonathan Langford’s No Going Back and my role in his research. Following are the responses I gave to the reporter by email. I just thought you might be interested in what I had to say. The article is “New novel explores personal struggle.” (more…)
Copyright 2025, Inner Vessel Productions.
Confirm the Feeble KneesBy
January 3rd, 2010
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I have often contemplated how my favorite chapter of Isaiah was never quoted or referred to in the Book of Mormon. It speaks of the last days and, according to the notes in the LDS edition, of the Restoration of the gospel. The famous quote we always use about the Salt Lake valley comes from the first verse, saying that “the desert…shall blossom as the rose.” I am speaking of the thirty-fifth chapter. There is so much about it that speaks to me that I named this web site after it. (more…)