…the parched land shall become a pool, and the thirsty lands springs of water…(Isaiah 35:7)

To the Sexual Addict

By Rex Goode

Categories: Addiction,Doctrinal,Personal


by Duane Call

Used by permission

To the Sexual Addict (a Child of God who is addicted to Sex in any way)

I do not know you and I do not need to know you to write these things to you. I myself have experienced the pain, agony, frustration, guilt, anger (sometimes at God), and depression that comes from being addicted to sex and pornography. I have been blessed of the Lord in overcoming these terrible habits, ingrained into my life for more than thirty years; I am not proud of that fact; yet my addiction was taken from me by a loving God in a comparatively short time. I write because I know there is a way out of your misery. There is peace; there is forgiveness and there is calm sanity to be found to replace the insane desire to participate in your addiction. (more…)

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Copyright 2025, Inner Vessel Productions.

To Hope and Quietly Wait

By Rex Goode

Categories: Doctrinal,Personal,Same-sex Attraction


All three kingdoms in immortality are called “kingdoms of glory” and to listen to the descriptions of them, even the lower two seem appealing. I recall many years ago attending a fireside where a speaker in an informal setting did a seminar that was a spiritualization of goal setting. Not having ever been adept at a sales mentality, I was feeling a bit put out at this idea. (more…)

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Copyright 2025, Inner Vessel Productions.

To Be Content

By Rex Goode

Categories: Doctrinal,Personal,Same-sex Attraction


When I was interviewed recently for a local news station in the Salt Lake City area, the thing that the interviewer seemed to find most incredible was my assertion that I am a happily married man who is also homosexual. He seemed to be truly amazed that such a person could exist. His questions seemed to be geared towards finding a chink in my story insofar as my happiness was concerned. (more…)

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Copyright 2025, Inner Vessel Productions.

Thoughts of the Soul

By Rex Goode

Categories: Personal,Poetry


by Tom Hampton (Used by permission)

In my life, there are times of sadness and times of joy.
In my life, there are friends abound and loneliness.
In my life, there is great light and darkness.
In my life, there are two people and then they are one.
My soul reaches for home in the stars with my Father and my body mires in the earth with the devil.
I am two yet am I one, the spirit within and the body with out.
One a slave, one a master and yet I choose .
This day I choose to be a slave to sin and yet I starve for Light.
This day I cry inside and yearn to dance with light for I know that I am loved.
I beg at the feet of my Immortal Savior that soon He will be my Master for all eternity, no doubts no regrets.
I grow a little each day as I die a little each day.
My time here is brief and yet the eternities hinge on my every action.
I am a Son of God, learning, growing. Falling and standing up again.
I am scared and yet my spirit knows no fear.
I have stepped through the looking glass and turned round to see the other side of me.
I am weak and with humility I will be strong.
I thank my Lord for the trials I walk, they let me know that I am alive and Loved.
I seek peace now as I rebirth my soul into a new and kinder being.
Today I know that I walk no longer alone and the light beams brightly into blind eyes that feel the love and open the song of my heart.
I will sing hosannas the days of my remainder, for at last I know that through Atonement I can go home.

Tom Hampton

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Copyright 2025, Inner Vessel Productions.

Things That Addiction Has Taught Me About My Marriage

By Rex Goode

Categories: Addiction,Doctrinal,Personal


By Tyler Swenson

I am trying to find lasting recovery from addiction (what type of addiction is unimportant- pick your poison, as they say), yet my wife seems to continue to hold onto her anger and hurt and will not “let it go” and forgive. This has, until recently, been a great stumbling block for me and I often used as an excuse to “act out” in my addiction. (more…)

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Copyright 2025, Inner Vessel Productions.

There Is No Other Way

By Rex Goode

Categories: Personal,Poetry


A poem by Josesph R. Henderson

Why did we believe that wicked man
When he told us there was no other way?
His way was alluring, appealing, subversive.
We chewed our lower lip and said, “o.k., if you insist.”
Yet even in our innocence we knew
That he and truth had long since parted company.

Why won’t we believe the second man
When He shows us the real other way?
His way is simple, plain, and clear.
We shut our eyes and say, “too easy to be true.”
We won’t let Him our innocence renew,
As we and truth have long since parted company.

When finally we see that our path
Is a choice
Like when Frost’s “two roads diverged in a wood,”
We learn that we have gone astray
And wasted our choice by
Believing that there was no other way.

So to our Saviour’s altar we turn
Asking him to show us his narrow path and
Offering our free will to Him,
The only real gift that we can give.
We beg, “Help us take your less traveled road,
“For now we know there is no other way.”

Copyright 1999, Joseph R. Henderson. Used by permission.

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Copyright 2025, Inner Vessel Productions.

The Value of Confession

By Rex Goode

Categories: Doctrinal,Personal


When we speak of confession, we tend to think of it in its narrowest sense, which is that of laying out our sins before church authorities or before God. I believe that the principle of confession speaks of a way of life rather than scattered acts of submission to ecclesiastical and divine authority. (more…)

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Copyright 2025, Inner Vessel Productions.

The People That Walked in Darkness

By Rex Goode

Categories: Doctrinal,Personal


Ever since Adam and Eve “heard the voice of Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God amongst the trees of the garden,”(Genesis 3:8) humans have shown a natural propensity to vainly hide from God. Despite its futility, we somehow think that by remaining silent, God will somehow not notice what we have done. (more…)

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Copyright 2025, Inner Vessel Productions.

The Bitter and the Sweet

By Rex Goode

Categories: Doctrinal,Personal,Same-sex Attraction


Same-sex attraction was hell when all the feelings and emotions I experienced were wrapped up in a desire for intimacy with men and when every word that proceeds from God’s chosen servants told me I must not indulge those feelings. (more…)

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Copyright 2025, Inner Vessel Productions.

The Beast Within Me

By Rex Goode

Categories: Poetry


A poem by Del (used with permission)

A fleeting glimpse of shapely flesh
Sets my blood to boil.
Why was it needful to wire me thus;
That I suffer this curs’ed turmoil?

The flirts and smiles of feminine wiles
Insults my struggling will.
How shall I be free of such control,
And this beast within me kill?

O Lord, how can I return to thee,
When this lust within me burns?
My spirit calls to thee for peace,
While the body for embraces yearns!

O Lord, forgive for habits past
Which brought me to this turn.
Make me, nay, make thee the master of my soul,
And grant me faith to learn


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Copyright 2025, Inner Vessel Productions.

That Which Doth Cost Me Nothing

By Rex Goode

Categories: Doctrinal,Personal


A friend of mine wrote:

That was quite literally a revelation. I had no idea, and the thought blew me away. I realized that I had not even taken sufficient ownership and responsibility for my life. In fact, I hated my life, didn’t want it, especially the part about same-sex attraction.

It was disappointing, but I realized that I was a lot further behind than I had realized. Before I could truly surrender to God, I had to care about what I was surrendering.

Still working on owning my life and being humble enough to give it.

This reminded me of an incident in the Old Testament where David numbered Israel and angered the Lord. It isn’t clear why the Lord was angry with David doing a census, though it may have well been a prelude to an unauthorized war. (more…)

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Copyright 2025, Inner Vessel Productions.


By Rex Goode

Categories: Poetry


A poem by Amy (used by permission)


Though the darkness is deep
And the mists swirl and blind,
I have an advantage,
A wonderful find.
My sparks in my hands
Create just enough light
To show me my path
Past humanity’s blight.
I found them myself.
No, I don’t know quite where,
And, no, you can’t have them.
There’s too little to spare.
Oh, this light suits me fine
For the life that I lead.
Ask someone for help?
My friend, there’s no need.
Yes, I am at peace
And have no need to pout,
For I guide myself.

Oh, no!

They went out!

“Behold, all ye that kindle a fire, that compass yourselves about with sparks: walk in the light of your fire, and in the sparks that ye have kindled. This shall ye have of my hand; ye shall lie down in sorrow.” (Isaiah 50:11)




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Copyright 2025, Inner Vessel Productions.

Shall See the Salvation

By Rex Goode

Categories: Doctrinal,Personal


Being at peace while working at life.

When Jesus came in the meridian of time, a priveleged few were permitted to see his miraculous arrival. How I have envied those special witnesses who saw that sweet little face and gazed at him. Those wise men came to worship the Son of the Highest in lowly form in the manger. The meek shepherds from the surrounding country came at the command of angels. (more…)

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Copyright 2025, Inner Vessel Productions.

Shall See My Face

By Rex Goode

Categories: Doctrinal,Personal


Seeking the presence of Christ through charity.

It has long been a desire of my heart to see the face of the Savior and know beyond the already firm knowledge of testimony that he lives. I desire with all my heart to be held by those strong arms, see that most beautiful of faces, and hear that voice like many rushing waters. Though I know now in part, within the limits of Spirit and testimony, I desire to know by sight, touch, and sound. (more…)

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Copyright 2025, Inner Vessel Productions.


By Rex Goode

Categories: Doctrinal,Poetry


A poem by Joseph R. Henderson (used by permission)

are they known as
mortal sins
because they make us mortal
or because they are mortal?

Joseph R. Henderson, Copyright 2000, All Rights Reserved

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Copyright 2025, Inner Vessel Productions.