…the parched land shall become a pool, and the thirsty lands springs of water…(Isaiah 35:7)

Hide Your Husbands!

I try to be understanding about people wondering about me. I know that I’m an enigma. I know that I and my story take some getting used to.

The Woods are Lovely, Dark and Deep…

I’ve given a lot of thought to storms the last couple of weeks. Since I wrote my post about lighthouses and their strength amid the storms and relentless pounding, I’ve had some time to reflect on some of the storms in my own life. Some of them are things that I have no control over. […]

Be Still, and Know That I am God

In other times in my life, I might have given into temptation and done something I shouldn’t have. In the midst of the anxiety and discouragement though something happened that was different. I found a place in this noisy bustling city of quiet, and there I prayed. As I did so, I felt the anxiety and discouragement leave. And I realized the reason for the change was that I had decided to be still. And in that stillness, I found peace.

Have Patience With Me

[The] parable tells us that God has forgiven us a vast fortune of misdeeds and it behooves us to forgive all of those who owe us very little by comparison. I know that in my life, I owe God infinitely more than anyone owes me.

O Love That Will Not Let Me Go

Sometimes there are days when we just want to let go, and give up. Some days we feel like we’re all spent and can do no more to further our own progression or the work of God. But then there are the days that the love which never lets us go reaches down and reminds […]

Wearing Pants to Church

Picture it! Fast and testimony meeting May 2010 in my ward. I direct the music each week, so I’m sitting on the stand. I tell myself I’m not bearing my testimony again. I do it each month it seems. I’m just sitting back. My knee hurts from a fall I took earlier in the week, […]

Sports and Me

I have never really been enthusiastic about sports. If one believes stereotypes, it makes sense in light of the fact that I deal with same-sex attraction. If one believes in certain therapeutic models, becoming interested in sports is supposed to help with that, if “it” is something one thinks needs helping. Be the first to […]