…the parched land shall become a pool, and the thirsty lands springs of water…(Isaiah 35:7)


Christmas–The Most Powerful Day of the Year: Christmas remains for me like the atonement itself. It has the power to change the very nature of human beings and bring out the best in them.

Can Anybody?

I was “out” long before it was so fashionable. Back in my day of “openness”, people hadn’t really heard of blogs. Videos like you can find on YouTube took hours and days to download. Conversations were mostly done on mailing lists and newsgroups. Most people who read this won’t even know what a newsgroup is.

Memories of Christmas

Advent is always one of the busiest times of the year for me. But it’s a great one as well. It offers some time for quiet reflection and recalling some of the memories of Christmases past.  3 people like this post. Like Unlike

Day of Peace

I will refrain from blame, unkindness, and threats against others who do not believe as I do. I will reach out to find common ground and express appreciation and understanding for the difficulty of all who find themselves pondering the dichotomies between their faith and sexuality.